Are pigeons constantly making a mess on your balcony? These plants can help keep them away and maintain a cleaner space.
7 Plants to Keep Pigeons Away from Your Balcony
7 Plants to Keep Pigeons Away from Your Balcony
Pigeons can’t stand the smell of rosemary. Its woody stems also attract small birds that deter pigeons, helping to keep them away.
This versatile plant not only repels pigeons with its strong scent but also provides fresh leaves to garnish your favorite dishes.
The sharp thorns of a cactus are a natural pigeon deterrent. Place a cactus on your balcony and watch it work its magic.
While humans love its scent, pigeons do not. Placing lavender on your balcony will naturally help keep them away.
The strong scent of mint repels not only pigeons but also insects and wasps. Easy to grow, it’s an ideal choice for balconies.
The pungent scent and natural heat of chili pepper plants deter pigeons from settling on your balcony. Place small pots in various spots for optimal results.
Chili Pepper Plant
Known for its strong aroma, thyme is a popular choice that thrives in small containers, making it perfect for balconies.